To develop an excellent university meant for skilling and educating people at large and for researching on areas that are relevant to the society with special attention to local needs.
★ To become an institution of higher education with commitment for research while
remaining deeply engaged in undergraduate education.
★ To give opportunities to students to choose what they will study and to discover new fields
of interest by following the path of liberal arts education that also will enable learners to
experience the rigours of specialization.
★ To encourage multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies by establishing new
departments and by orienting institutional focus to areas of contemporary relevance.
★ To carry out research activities with a focus on locally relevant sustainable development
goals while being a responsible partner of regional, national and global efforts.
★ To pursue excellence in all spheres of involvement so as to make ourselves a custodian of
our culture and a channel of communication with the world.
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